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G1. Farm Chain of Custody Criteria
G1.1 Mohair is eligible to be sold as RMS by a farm if:
G1.1.1 The farm is RMS certified at the time the mohair is shipped from the farm; or
G1.2.2 The farm becomes RMS certified no later than one year after the time the mohair 
was shorn, providing the following points are met: 
a. At the time of the audit, no critical non-conformities are found.
b. Chain of custody of the previously shorn mohair is confirmed
G1.2 The farm shall maintain records of the following:
G1.2.1 Incoming and outgoing goats;
G1.2.2 Volumes of mohair produced;
G1.2.3 Volumes of mohair sold as non-RMS, and as RMS under each applicable scope 
certificate; and
G1.2.4 Technical specifications (e.g. micron) of micron produced.
G1.3 The farm shall conduct an annual volume reconciliation which demonstrates that the 
volume of mohair sold as RMS is plausible based on the number of goats, yield per goat
and other relevant factors. For Farm Group Certification, this may be done by the ICS 
instead of by each farm.
G1.4 For Individual Farm Certification, the farm shall request transaction certificates from the 
certification body for each sale of RMS mohair. G1.5 For Farm Group Certification, the ICS shall request transaction certificates from the 
certification body for each sale of RMS mohair from the ICS, or from the farm to anyone 
other than the ICS. 
NOTE: Transaction certificates are not required for sales of mohair from a farm group member to 
the ICS. The ICS may restrict when it will request transaction certificates on behalf of a 
G2. Chain of Custody Criteria
G2.1 The organization shall conform the requirements of the CCS-101 Content Claim Standard
(CCS) whereby: G2.1.1 Each reference of “CCS” in the Content Claim Standard shall be understood as 
“RMS.” In the case of contradiction with the CCS, the RMS requirement 
supersedes that of the CCS.
G2.1.2 “Claimed material,” as defined in the CCS, refers to RMS material for the RMS. 
G2.2 Certified organizations that are physically attaching consumer-facing RMS claims shall 
meet the following requirements:
G2.2.1 RMS hangtags or communication shall only be applied when a corresponding 
label release form has been issued by an authorized certification body, in 
accordance with RAF-301b RMS Logo Use and Claims Guide.
G2.3 The organization shall maintain records of technical specifications for all RMS on file.
This shall include both finished products and incoming material inputs.

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